Three application “misunderstandings” of carbon fiber drones

Misunderstanding 1: The application of carbon fiber composite materials is mainly for “weight reduction”

The issue of weight reduction has always been the focus of UAVs, because UAVs are small in size, light in weight, easy to transport, can take off and land vertically, have flexible flight control, strong adaptability, and high efficiency. For this kind of micro aircraft, The weight reduction has a particularly significant impact on performance in all aspects. Weight reduction can not only reduce resistance during flight and increase movement agility, but also effectively extend flight time and improve work efficiency. However, “weight reduction” is by no means the only purpose of using carbon fiber composites in drones.

In addition to being light in weight, carbon fiber composite materials also have many performance advantages such as high strength, creep resistance, corrosion resistance, fatigue resistance, and strong vibration resistance.

Myth 2: The application effect of carbon fiber composite materials will definitely be very good

Although there are many advantages, carbon fiber composite materials are by no means “one panacea”, and their actual application effects are related to many factors. Whether carbon fiber composite materials can play their due value in drones depends on, first, whether the designer’s design is reasonable, and second, whether the manufacturing process of carbon fiber drone parts is optimized. It suggested that on the premise of ensuring reliable performance and stable dimensions of drone components, the overall solidification molding process should be chosen as much as possible and the molding tooling should be simplified as much as possible. Taking a carbon fiber drone shell as an example, the use of an integral curing process not only greatly reduces the weight of the body and avoids problems such as loosening of standard parts caused by long-term flights, but also improves the strength of the drone and the level of the blades. Spend.

Misunderstanding 3: The more carbon fiber materials used, the better

As the performance advantages of carbon fiber become more and more popular, many drone designers try to use it in different parts, hoping to replace all metal materials with it. Although carbon fiber materials are good, the more they are used in the actual application of drones, the better.

Whether it is a military drone, an industrial drone, or an ordinary consumer drone, the ultimate value of drones is to use unmanned driving technology to help people go to places that are inaccessible or extremely dangerous environments. Manual replacement work, in the process, the loss of drones is inevitable. If the cost is too high, it will inevitably affect its competitiveness in the market.

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